Gallery Work

Read about Marijana's Gallery Work

Marijana’s art practice is a reflection on journeys; real and imagined, personal and historical, cultural and spiritual, constructed and natural.

Much of Marijana’s gallery work uses the methods of layering and weaving. The layering of ceramics, stone, glass or steel is reminiscent of sedimentation or a “way of forming” often found in nature.

Woven structures using metal, canvas, photographs, painting and text, make reference to the tapestries and fabrics of our societies.

Both layering and weaving methods are imbued with their own intrinsic qualities and symbolism which speak of an Australian culture which is continually evolving and forming.

Marijana’s works such as Eucalyptus Ablaze uses computerised lighting technique with references to ‘burning off’ as a way of controlling the environment. The ‘cracked eucalyptus bark’ steel forms are lit within and the light is programmed to move as a heat wave.

In her exhibitions Marijana’s use of subtle and skillfully arranged recycled acupuncture needles creates minimalist pictorial panels with metaphors to the human condition and complexities of globalisation.

“Conceptually complex, technically perfect, rehearsing themes and ideas about migrancy, belonging and ‘unbelonging’, navigation and theenvironment, nesting, home-making, kinesis and resting the artworks…eloquently speak about generative effects of dislocation and relocation on culture and identity. That Tadic has the capacity to realize and express such subtly interconnected themes in visual terms is testament to her originality and artistic power.” (Dr. Christine Nicholls, Wandering Albatross, exhibition catalogue, 2011)

Contact Marijana for artwork availability and price.